Why do lawyers ask for continuances?

Why do lawyers ask for continuances?

Perhaps the most common reason for a continuance is when one side did not have enough time to investigate the case and analyze the evidence. Many defense attorneys, especially public defenders, can move only so quickly because they are representing many clients.

Can you request a continuance without a lawyer?

A common claim for a continuance is the need of time to get a lawyer. If the case has been in litigation for some time or if a continuance has been granted before, the court may deny the request. If you have an appointment scheduled with an attorney, give the court the name of the attorney.

What are good reasons for a continuance?

Reasons you may want to ask for a continuance include:You did not get enough notice of the hearing. You need more time to hire a lawyer or apply for legal aid. You need more time to get ready to represent yourself at a hearing.You need more time to get important evidence or subpoena an important witness.

Do both parties have to agree to a continuance?

The other party might only agree to a continuance if you agree to certain things before the next hearing. If the things are reasonable (or a judge would think so), you can agree. If you do not agree to the other party’s conditions or the new proposed hearing date, you must go to court to ask for a continuance.

Why do lawyers push back court dates?

Attorneys often request continuances because their work on other cases has prevented them from devoting the necessary time to the case at hand. Courts usually allow some leeway in these situations, especially for court-appointed defense attorneys. Time for the defense.