How do I respond to a divorce petition in Arizona?

How do I respond to a divorce petition in Arizona?

You will want to file a response whether or not you agree with what is written in the divorce papers. Your deadline to file the response is 20 days after you were served (30 days if you were served outside of Arizona). If you agree with everything in the divorce papers, you may file a consent decree .

What rights do custodial parents have?

Legal custody rights allow a parent to make major life decisions on behalf of the child. These decisions typically concern important aspects of the child’s health, safety, and welfare, such as schooling decisions, medical care, and what type of religious instruction the child receives.Jul 2, 2019

How do you prove a mother unfit?

How Does a Family Court Determine If a Parent Is Unfit?A history of child abuse. A history of substance abuse. A history of domestic violence. The parent’s ability to make age-appropriate decisions for a child. The parent’s ability to communicate with a child. Psychiatric concerns. The parent’s living conditions. The child’s opinion.More items…

Do I have the right to know who my child is around?

Each parent is entitled to know where the children are during visitations. They should also know if the children are left with other people such as babysitters or friends when the other parent is not there. Both parents should realize that visitation schedules may change as children age and their needs change.

Can a father take a baby away from the mother?

Sometimes taking your child from you is a crime, like “parental kidnapping.” But if you are married, and there is no court order of custody, it is legal for the other parent to take your child. Or, if you are divorced and the other parent has sole physical custody, it is legal for them to take your child.

Who has more rights a mother or father?

However, it remains a common misconception that mothers have more rights than fathers. In fact, if each parent has parental responsibility for a child, their rights and responsibilities are equal.

Who has custody if there is no agreement?

If there is no custody order, both parents have an equal right to custody, and either can lawfully take physical possession of the child at any time. However, taking the child away without the other parent’s consent can be held against you in court if that action was not reasonable.