How much does it cost to change your name in Pima County?

How much does it cost to change your name in Pima County?

On the other hand, in Pima County, the Clerk of Court’s fee schedule shows the filing fee for a name change request at $236.00. Both the Maricopa County Superior Court and the Pima County Superior Court have forms with instructions available online for you to read and fill out in order to change your name.

How long does a name change take in Arizona?

How long will the entire application for change of name take? Name change actions can take anywhere from a day to six (6) months (sometimes even longer). The time it takes for such action to be ordered/decreed varies not only from county to county, but sometimes from courthouse to courthouse as well.

How do I change my last name legally in Arizona?

How to Legally Change Your Name in Arizona

  1. Obtain an application form. Name change application forms are available online through the Arizona Judicial Branch’s website.
  2. Complete your name change application.
  3. Contact your county to determine filing procedures.
  4. Schedule and attend your hearing.
  5. Update your legal identification.

Where do I start to change my last name?

It’s time to officially change your last name!

  • Get Your Marriage License and Certified Copies.
  • Update Your Social Security Card.
  • Get a New Driver’s License.
  • Get a New Passport and Travel Documents.
  • Change the Name on Your Bank Accounts.
  • Change the Name on Your Credit Cards.

Can you get married and not change your last name?

When you marry, you are free to keep your own name or take your husband’s name without a court-ordered name change. The same is true whether you’re in a same-sex or opposite-sex marriage. In most states, your spouse can adopt your name, instead, if that’s what you both prefer.

Can I change my last name to my boyfriend without getting married?

Yes. Generally, anyone can change there name at any time by taking the correct legal steps of filing a Petition for Name change, it is just easier when you get married because you do not need to file any legal action.

Are you automatically a Mrs When you get married?

Your marriage certificate is a record of your marriage, not your new name or your title. Just because you marry doesn’t mean that you automatically take a husband’s name or that you are now a “Mrs”. You have the right to choose the name you want.

Why would a judge deny a name change?

In most cases, courts approve name change applications. However, there are certain scenarios under which the court might not grant your name change request, including situations involving fraud, certain felony convictions, objections, minor children, and name changes that could result in confusion or harm.

Can a man take a woman’s last name in marriage?

While a man taking his wife’s name is uncommon, it’s not unheard of. That’s because, depending on the state, your husband’s name change may not be considered part of the marriage process, but instead is seen as a legal name change where a marriage license isn’t enough.