Is your phone number public record?

Is your phone number public record?

Telephone Numbers: Is the Phone number of any person a public information or a private information? They are all considered private whether or not they are publicly listed in a phone book available to all people in a specific country.

Are public records bad?

Public records could plague your credit for the better part of a decade. Even if you repay the money you owe, public records with negative information typically remain on your credit reports for seven to 10 years. Public records with adverse information may even occasionally wind up on your credit reports by mistake.

How does Experian verify public records?

Experian purchases old public records from a large company called Lexis/Nexis. Experian does their ” verification ” electronically with Lexis. That is why Experian can send back the verifcation so rapidly for public records.

How long does it take for the underwriter to make a decision?

As the process can happen in as little as two to three days, the process usually takes more than a week but could take up to several weeks.

Do mortgage lenders use Lexisnexis?

All third party search by mortgage lenders is done by hiring third-party vendors such as Data Verify or Lexis Nexis or some other third party search companies.