What do I do if my ex husband stops paying alimony?

What do I do if my ex husband stops paying alimony?

You should hire an attorney to assist you with the process and get the ball rolling by filing a motion with the court, asking the judge to order your former spouse to pay all overdue payments and ensure no future payments are missed. In legal terms, this is known as a motion for contempt or enforcement.Nov 4, 2019

Can alimony be taken from Social Security?

If you owe back alimony, your former spouse can garnishee your Social Security retirement benefits by obtaining a judgment against you for the debt and a court order for garnishment. After COGS has processed the order, it will begin deducting the specified amount from your Social Security retirement checks.

Does alimony stop when you get a job?

In a nutshell, as soon as you begin earning income, your ex-spouse can file a motion with a court and argue that you no longer need his alimony checks. Depending on how much you earn at your new job, a judge may agree with this argument, and you could lose all or some of your alimony. Ouch!