Are Arkansas divorce records public?

Are Arkansas divorce records public?

Are Arkansas Vital Records Open to the Public? Records of marriage, divorce, birth, and death that are older than 100 years are public records available to anyone.

Is it better to get separated or divorced?

A legal separation would mean one spouse may still be eligible for health insurance coverage from the other spouse’s job, whereas a divorce would end this coverage. A legal separation also allows you and your spouse to continue filing taxes jointly, which can lead to some tax benefits.

Why separation is a bad idea?

Separation can be damaging to a marriage if one partner has no intention of reconciliation, but is leading the other partner on. Some partners may also feel anxious about how the divorce process will be handled or may not even want to ask for a divorce.

Why do separated couples stay married?

Taxes are one reason this couple stays legally married. “The main reasons for this are practical — tax considerations, autonomy with parenting decisions — since there is no court involved in custody decisions,” she told Insider. Then there’s what she called “the ever-practical reason.”

What’s the point of legal separation?

Marital status: Legal separation allows you to retain your marital status, meaning that you’re not free to marry another; once you’re divorced, you can remarry.