How do I file for divorce in Benton County Arkansas?

How do I file for divorce in Benton County Arkansas?

To start the process for an uncontested divorce, you should file a \u201cComplaint for Divorce\u201d in the circuit court clerk’s office of the county where you live. To learn more, visit this link to the Arkansas Circuit Courts website. You can also visit the Arkansas Legal Services website for self-help divorce forms.

How long does it take to get your record expunged in Arkansas?

If you have met all the conditions and court orders pertaining to your sentence, you must wait 60 days to ask to have a misdemeanor conviction sealed. If the offense is one of the following, however, there is a five-year waiting period: Class A negligent homicide.

How do I seal my record in Arkansas?

If you are eligible for expungement of your records, you must file a Petition to Seal the records. Arkansas Legal Services can help with this type of petition. The Petition and the Order to Seal must be submitted to the Circuit or District Court in the country where the crime was committed.Feb 9, 2018

How long does a DUI stay on your record in Arkansas?

5 years

How do I get off probation early in Arkansas?

Yes. Arkansas law gives judges the authority to release defendants from probation early. (Generally, to be released from probation early you have to pay off your fines, complete at least half of your probation and complete all court ordered classes and treatment.)