Does it matter what state you file for divorce in?

Does it matter what state you file for divorce in?

In theory, you and your spouse may divorce in either state in which one of you resides. The majority of states require that a spouse reside in the state before filing for divorce in that state. Proof of residency may be required, and some states require six months of residency, while others require a year.

How long do you have to live in California to file for divorce?

six months

Can you get divorced in a state you don’t live in?

You can file for divorce in a state other than the state in which you are married, as long as you meet residency requirements. If you do not meet the residency requirements for the state in which you are attempting to file for divorce, your divorce complaint can be rejected.

Who gets the house in a divorce Oregon?

In Oregon, the court will presume that the spouses contributed equally to the acquisition of most property during marriage, regardless of what title says. Property acquired equally will be split equally. The only assets left out of this presumption are gifts to one spouse that are always kept separate.