How does remarriage affect spousal support?

How does remarriage affect spousal support?

The remarriage or re-partnering of the support recipient does have an effect on spousal support under the current law, but how much and when and why are less certain. Remarriage does not mean automatic termination of spousal support, but support is often reduced or suspended or sometimes even terminated.

Can alimony be increased after divorce?

The supporting spouse may have gotten a substantial raise, the dependent spouse could have remarried, or there could be a financial emergency, such as large medical bills. In most states, alimony can be changed after divorce if such situations should arise.

Does wife really want divorce?

If your wife seems emotionally empty and refuses to make any effort towards you or your marriage, that’s a good sign she wants divorce. Or if she doesn’t want it yet, she will soon. Unsurprisingly, it’s very hard to save your marriage when the only thing you have to talk to is a brick wallBut it’s not impossible.