How long do you have to serve divorce papers after filing in California?

How long do you have to serve divorce papers after filing in California?

30 calendar days

How do I look up a lawsuit in California?

There are three ways to look at court records:Go to the courthouse and ask to look at paper records.Go to the courthouse and look at electronic court records.If your court offers it, look at electronic records over the internet. This is called “remote access.”

Is FastPeopleSearch accurate?

In my personal case, its about 85 percent accurate. A few addresses listed are my father’s old addresses from decades ago. There are also many misspelled versions of old addressees too. These sites often can’t distinguish close family members, but that’s usually only a minor problem.

Can someone tell if I googled them?

So, in short, no. The person you Googled probably will not find out that you personally Googled them. So, your identity and IP address will not be revealed to the person based on a basic Google search.

Can I see who searched me?

While you may not be able to monitor who’s searching for your name using Google, you can monitor when new information is published with your name on the internet. To create an alert for when anything gets published mentioning your name, visit Google Alerts. Make sure you’re already logged into your Google Account.