How much does a divorce cost in Oregon?

How much does a divorce cost in Oregon?

The filing fee for each party in a divorce is $287, as of September 2019. The cost to serve your spouse usually starts at $40 and increases depending on the company you use and how difficult it is for them to find your spouse. There may be other filing fees depending on your specific circumstances.

Is adultery a crime in Oregon?

As Oregon is a no-fault divorce state, adultery has no bearing on whether or not you will be granted a divorce. In fact, unless it directly relates to a decision the court has to rule on, you may not even be allowed to testify about any wrongdoings on the part of your spouse.

How do I get past due alimony?

To collect past-due alimony support payments, you can write a Demand for Alimony Payment letter reminding your ex-spouse of his or her support obligations. If your ex-spouse does not repay the past-due support, you can use the letter as proof of your attempt to collect payment and resolve the matter.