What are some of the common consequences to a child whose mother smoked while pregnant?

What are some of the common consequences to a child whose mother smoked while pregnant?

If you smoke while you are pregnant you are at increased risk of a wide range of problems, including miscarriage and premature labour. Babies whose mothers smoke during pregnancy are at higher risk of SIDS, having weaker lungs and having a low birth weight.

What do we call biologically determined?

Biological determinism, also called biologism or biodeterminism, the idea that most human characteristics, physical and mental, are determined at conception by hereditary factors passed from parent to offspring.

What is the meaning of biological?

1 : of or relating to biology or to life and living processes. 2 : used in or produced by applied biology. 3 : connected by direct genetic relationship rather than by adoption or marriage her biological father.

What is the definition of child?

(Entry 1 of 3) 1a : a young person especially between infancy and puberty a play for both children and adults. b : a person not yet of the age of majority (see majority sense 2a) Under the law she is still a child. c : a childlike or childish person He is a child in most business matters.

Which theory of emotion states that your body reacts before you experience an emotion?

The Schachter-Singer theory of emotion suggests that physical reactions occur first, but can be similar for different feelings. This is also called the two-factor theory. Like James-Lange, this theory suggest that physical sensations must be experienced before they can be identified as a particular emotion.

What are the three components of emotion?

In order to better understand what emotions are, let’s focus on their three key elements, known as the subjective experience, the physiological response, and the behavioral response.

What are the three theories of emotions?

The major theories of emotion can be grouped into three main categories: physiological, neurological, and cognitive.

  • Physiological theories suggest that responses within the body are responsible for emotions.
  • Neurological theories propose that activity within the brain leads to emotional responses.

How can emotions affect your behavior?

Behavior is different from emotions but is very strongly influenced by them. One way that behavior is affected by emotions is through motivation, which drives a person’s behavior. When a person feels frustration, anger, tension or fear, they are more likely to act aggressively towards others.

How does emotions affect learning?

Emotion has a substantial influence on the cognitive processes in humans, including perception, attention, learning, memory, reasoning, and problem solving. Emotion has a particularly strong influence on attention, especially modulating the selectivity of attention as well as motivating action and behavior.

How do our emotions affect decision making?

Emotions can affect not just the nature of the decision, but the speed at which you make it. Anger can lead to impatience and rash decision-making. If you’re excited, you might make quick decisions without considering the implications, as you surf the wave of confidence and optimism about the future.

How does reason affect decision making?

Reason. By thinking reasonably, we can logically process information and situations, this allows to find answers and solve problems easily, it also makes us judge situations carefully.

Where do emotions come from?

Where do emotions come from? The limbic system is a group of interconnected structures located deep within the brain. It’s the part of the brain that’s responsible for behavioral and emotional responses.

How do emotions affect logical reasoning?

The results indicate that the emotions of an individual have an effect on reasoning performance independent from task content. In particular, a negative emotion resulted in a lower falsification index meaning that participants in a negative emotional state were more likely to deviate from logical norms.

Is it better to be emotional or logical?

Logic solicits cognitive effort, whereas emotion is automatic. Presentations aimed at engaging the audience’s emotions are usually more interesting than logical ones. Emotion-based arguments are often easier to recall than logic-based arguments. Emotion almost always leads more quickly to change than logic does.

Can emotions be logical?

Emotions are logical because they always elaborate on your cognitive networks. If it appears that your emotions don’t make sense, it’s because the cognitive networks don’t make sense. Emotions reflect your cognitions through their signals, and they embody them through the body-based response.

When emotions are high logic is low?

When your emotions run too high, your logic will be low, which can lead to irrational decisions: 1. Excitement can cause you to overestimate your chances of success. There’s a reason why casinos employ bright lights and loud noises: They want you to get excited.

Are emotions choices?

When it comes to emotions, we often we tell ourselves stories, half-truths or fiction about our emotional experience. One of the most common fictions is that we have little or no choice in how we feel. That doesn’t mean that we can choose to never feel painful emotions. Every emotion has a powerful aftereffect.

Can you control your emotion?

So, the short answer is no, you cannot “control” your emotions. But if you follow the strategies to accept your emotions as they come, you will find that you do not have to let your emotions control you.