What did God said to Job?

What did God said to Job?

God asks Job all of these impossible questions, like: “Where were you when I Iaid the foundations of the earth?” (38:4). “Have you ever in your days commanded the morning light?” (38:12). “Where does light live, or where does darkness reside?” (38:19).

When did God heal job?

As soon as Job had understood Him, from the time that he condemned himself and repented in dust and ashes, through hearkening to what God had revealed to him of Himself, the chastisement was at an end. God Himself delivered him from Satan’s hand and healed him of his sickness.

What all did Job lose?

In the next 7 verses Job loses it all — his children, his servants, his animals, his crops. But “in all this, Job did not sin or charge God with wrong” (1:22). Indeed, the Satan never suggested destroying Job, and YHWH himself never allowed such a drastic move.

Does Job lose faith in God?

Job is now a man who suffers terribly at the capriciousness of life. He loses his wife, beloved children and fortune. He’s also afflicted with painful skin ailments. Proving Satan wrong, Job refuses to forsake his belief in God, and never once curses God.

What does the Bible say about losses?

There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. “Do not let your hearts be troubled.

What does job lose in his first trial?

The first test Satan did was to take away all of Job’s animals, killing the servants that were with the animals, and killing all of Job’s sons and daughters while they were eating together. Even though Satan did these things to Job, Job did not curse God like Satan wanted Job to do.

What is the message of job?

The fact of suffering in the world challenges us with its questions. The book of Job is all about human suffering. Its portrayal of one man’s sufferings, the ineffective responses of his friends, and his struggle for faith and understanding mirrors our own experiences in the world.

Who is the father of job?


Who is the father of Bible?


Is job an Edomite?

…the Old Testament Book of Job (chapters 4, 5, 15, 22), one of three friends who sought to console Job, who is a biblical archetype of unmerited suffering. The word Temanite probably indicates that he was an Edomite, or member of a Palestinian people descended from Esau.

What kind of man was Job?

Summary. Job is a wealthy man living in a land called Uz with his large family and extensive flocks. He is “blameless” and “upright,” always careful to avoid doing evil (1:1).

Was job rich in the Bible?

The ideal rich man in the Bible is Job. He never loved his wealth more than God. But when he lost it all in one day, he still revered God. And after Job had proven his love for God, God made him rich again.

What is the purpose of the book of Job?

The Book of Job (/dʒoʊb/; Hebrew: אִיּוֹב‎ – ʾIyyōḇ) is a book of the Hebrew Bible. It addresses the problem of theodicy, meaning why God permits evil in the world, through the experiences of the eponymous protagonist.

Did Elihu write job?

Elihu (Hebrew: אֱלִיהוּא‎ ‘Elihu) is a man in the Hebrew Bible’s Book of Job. He is said to have descended from Guz who may be from the line of Abraham (Genesis mentions Buz as a nephew of Abraham).