What does plethora mean?

What does plethora mean?

1 : a bodily condition characterized by an excess of blood and marked by turgescence and a florid complexion. 2 : abundance, profusion … Grand Cayman offers a plethora of bustling restaurants, ritzy resorts and comfortable condos …—

What is an example of ambivalence?

Ambivalence: Ambivalence is the quality or state of having conflicting feelings toward something. Example: Henry was infamous among his friends for his ambivalence on where to eat, so they did not ask him to break the stalemate in choosing a restaurant.

What is the difference between ambivalence and cognitive dissonance?

Dissonance, then, is characterized as a discrepancy between an attitude held by an individual and the actual behavior that is practiced by that individual, whereas ambivalence is seen as having a disparity within the attitude itself.

Can you both love and hate someone?

When we feel both love and hate, we can consider ourselves to be emotionally ambivalent. Emotional ambivalence means that these two emotions, love and hate, don’t substitute each other, but rather coexist together, without displacing one another.

When a man is ambivalent?

Ambivalent Man (am-biv-e-lent man) n. Abbreviation: AM. 1. One who exhibits or feels ambivalence toward women.

How do you tell if an emotionally unavailable man likes you?

Here are 10 important signs to look out for that an emotionally unavailable guy has fallen in love:

  • He begins to slowly open up to you.
  • He’s protective of you.
  • He lets you in on his past.
  • He wants to change.
  • He starts expressing emotions.
  • He starts to see a future with you.
  • Your opinion matters to him.

Why do I fall for unavailable guys?

Women who fall for unavailable men usually feel that they are more committed to the relationship than the men are. Even though their behavior leads to a host of problems and indicates self-esteem issues, these women aren’t fools. They actually have a strength that they often don’t stop to think about: perseverance.