What important events happened in Connecticut?

What important events happened in Connecticut?

1637–Pequot War. Captain John Mason leads colonists to decisive victory. 1638–New Haven Colony established by John Davenport and Theophilus Eaton. 1639–Fundamental Orders of Connecticut adopted by Freemen of Hartford, Wethersfield and Windsor; John Haynes chosen first Governor.

What are 5 interesting facts about Connecticut?

Connecticut is home to the first hamburger (1895), Polaroid camera (1934), helicopter (1939), and color television (1948). The first automobile law was passed by the state of CT in 1901. The speed limit was set at 12 miles per hour. The first lollipop-making machine opened for business in New Haven in 1908.

What is the coldest month of the year in Connecticut?


What made the Connecticut colony unique?

Despite the poor soil and farming conditions, colonists in the Connecticut Colony were able to grow some crops including beans, corn, pumpkins, squash, and rye. The Connecticut Colony, like other New England Colonies, was an exporter of rum.

When and why was Connecticut founded?

In 1636, the English arrived when a large group of Puritans from Massachusetts led by Thomas Hooker founded the Colony of Connecticut at the city of Hartford. They came looking for freedom of religion.

What religion was the Connecticut colony?


How did Connecticut make money?

Connecticut made money by trading flour, dried meat, fish, rum and iron bars to other colonies and indians. They also made money from industries like shipbuilding, lumbering and mining. The Connecticut Colony was established in 1636.

What is Connecticut known for producing?

While agriculture no longer holds its once-prominent position in Connecticut’s economy, farming is still important to the state. The most important crops are dairy, poultry, forest and nursery, tobacco, vegetables and fruit.

What was the reason for settlement in Connecticut?

With the Dutch already nearby (settled in the location of modern-day Hartford), Plymouth leaders decided to erect a trading house in the Connecticut Valley to take advantage of the lucrative local fur trade.

What did they do for fun in the Connecticut colony?

If they did not have to card wool or do other chores, they played board games or did tongue twisters and riddles. When the weather was warm, they played outside with marbles, hoops or other toys. Since many families had five or six children, colonial children usually had playmates nearby.

What did the Connecticut colony eat?

Early colonists relied on homegrown crops and livestock for their sustenance, along with the bounty provided by Long Island Sound. Their beverage of choices included locally made wine or distilled spirits, or those imported from England and the West Indies.

What does CT mean in US address?

The last word of a street name will be abbreviated as: AVE (Avenue) BLVD (Blvd) CIR (Circle) CT (Court)

What country is Connecticut in?

United States

When did Connecticut became a state?


What towns are in northern Connecticut?

Region B (Northern & Eastern Connecticut)

Andover East Haven Marlborough
Burlington Griswold North Haven
Canterbury Groton North Stonington
Canton Guilford Norwich
Chaplin Haddam Old Lyme