What is the opposite word of strong?

What is the opposite word of strong?

Opposite of capable of withstanding great physical force. vulnerable. fragile. infirm. unstable.

What is the synonym of stage?

Synonyms. theatre dramatic art dramatics theater dramaturgy.

What podium means?

raised platform

What is another word for milestones?

In this page you can discover 16 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for milestone, like: achievement, breakthrough, event, anniversary, discovery, sign, landmark, milepost, step, pillar and post.

What is the opposite of stage?

What is the opposite of stage?

cancel deny
halt abort
annul neglect
stop abrogate
repeal rescind

What is the opposite word of admit?

What is the opposite of admit?

deny dismiss
gainsay reject
confute refute
repudiate disapprove
dispute invalidate

What is the opposite gender of stage?

Answer: Explanation: Opposite gender in a stage means playing a role that is opposite to your real gender. When females play roles of males on stage then they are called ‘trouser role’, or ‘breeches role’, or ‘pants role’.

What is the opposite of tragic?

What is the opposite of tragic?

fortunate lucky
providential felicitous
hopeful worthwhile
favorableUS favourableUK
good happy

What is worse than a tragedy?

What is another word for tragedy?

calamity catastrophe
disaster misfortune
adversity cataclysm
misadventure affliction
mishap blight

How do you describe a tragedy?

Here are some adjectives for tragedy: latest brutal, simple, uncontrollable, passive, sordid, classic, cosmic, cruel and inauspicious, devastating personal, fifth nameless, bitterly human, unsuspected and ridiculous, main enormous, current ongoing, say-great, sad and needless, full, ludicrous, mawkish contemporary.

What happens in a tragedy?

In conclusion, a tragedy is a type of drama that focuses on human suffering. The main character, the tragic hero, suffers through the story, but in the end, learns something about himself and his place in the world, a lesson that makes the suffering worth his while.

What is the full meaning of tragedy?

1a : a disastrous event : calamity. b : misfortune. 2a : a serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force (such as destiny) and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion that elicits pity or terror. b : the literary genre of tragic dramas.

What are the key elements of a tragedy?

Aristotle distinguished six elements of tragedy: “plot, characters, verbal expression, thought, visual adornment, and song-composition.” Of these, PLOT is the most important.

What are 3 elements of an ideal tragedy?

‘” Aristotle defined three key elements which make a tragedy: harmartia, anagnorisis, and peripeteia. Hamartia is a hero’s tragic flaw; the aspect of the character which ultimately leads to their downfall.

What is the least important element of tragedy?

Aristotle divides tragedy into six different parts, ranking them in order from most important to least important as follows: (1) mythos, or plot, (2) character, (3) thought, (4) diction, (5) melody, and (6) spectacle. The first essential to creating a good tragedy is that it should maintain unity of plot.

What are the characteristics of a Shakespearean tragedy?

Elements of Shakespeare’s Tragedies

  • A tragic hero.
  • A dichotomy of good and evil.
  • A tragic waste.
  • Hamartia (the hero’s tragic flaw)
  • Issues of fate or fortune.
  • Greed.
  • Foul revenge.
  • Supernatural elements.

What makes a Greek tragedy?

In general, Greek tragedies feature a high-born character of ordinary moral virtue. This means that the character, though not villainous, exhibits a realistic, but fatal flaw, known as hamartia.

What are the 3 rules of a Greek tragedy?

Aristotle also contrasts the tragic form with epic poetry, which later scholars would develop into the three rules of unity. These three rules suggest that a tragedy have unity of place, time and action: Place. The setting of the play should be one location (Oedipus Rex takes place on the steps outside the palace).

Which is the best definition of a Greek tragedy?

the best definition of a Greek tragedy is “A story about a hero with a serious flaw that destroys his or her life”

What are the four major qualities of a Greek drama?

What are the 4 qualities of Greek drama?

  • Four Qualities of Greek Drama: Performed for special. occasions (festivals) Athens had four festivals.
  • Chorus underscored the ideas of. the play, provided point-of-view, and focused on issues of the play. and implications of the action,
  • action. Usually single place. Stories based on myth or.

What is the importance of masks in Greek drama?

Masks served several important purposes in Ancient Greek theater: their exaggerated expressions helped define the characters the actors were playing; they allowed actors to play more than one role (or gender); they helped audience members in the distant seats see and, by projecting sound somewhat like a small megaphone …

What are the features of Greek drama?

Greek drama has a maximum of 3 actors (not counting the chorus). All the actors were male. Costumes always included distinctive masks that served to identify both individual character and character type. The plays alternated choral odes and episodes in very specific patterns.

What were the two main types of Greek drama?

The Ancient Greeks took their entertainment very seriously and used drama as a way of investigating the world they lived in, and what it meant to be human. The three genres of drama were comedy, satyr plays, and most important of all, tragedy.