Which country founded the practice of common law?

Which country founded the practice of common law?

The history of common law is intimately tied to the history of Great Britain. In all regions other than Quebec, English common law forms the basis of our form of laws.

How can you say that the judiciary in India is most powerful?

Hint: The Judiciary of India is the country’s highest body for dispensing justice. The Indian Constitution specifies that the highest judicial body is the Supreme Court of India and that it will do justice without any prejudice based on gender, sex, caste, and religion.

Which is more powerful parliament or judiciary?

The Highest courts can review the decisions made by the parliament. In our system no neither the parliament nor the judicial system is powerful, In India, our constitution is more powerful. Parliament has the power to change or impeach the Chief Justice of India under certain conditions.

Which organ is the most powerful in India Why?

Judiciary is one of the most powerful organ because in this organ no one organ is interfere in the work of judiciary. The judiciary is one of the most powerful organ as it can declare any law passed by the parliament to be unconstitutional if it goes against the basic ideals of the constitution.

Which organ is most powerful in India?


Which of the following is the most powerful organ in democracy?

As India is a strong democratic country so by the people ,for the people ,from the people, the highest organ of government the parliament holdssupreme legislative power and canoverride a presidential veto and alter the constitution.

Which is more powerful legislative or executive?

The congress may have more members but in the end, their numbers make it very hard for everyone to agree. The president can make decisions more freely. This makes the presidential powers easier to use and ultimately means that the executive branch is stronger than the legislative branch.

Why legislative branch is most powerful?

The most important power of Congress is its legislative authority; with its ability to pass laws in areas of national policy. The laws that Congress creates are called statutory law. Most of the laws which are passed down by Congress apply to the public, and on some cases private laws.