What do you call a man who has never been married?

What do you call a man who has never been married?

bachelor. noun. a man who has never been married. It is more usual to say that someone who is not married is single. An eligible bachelor is one who many women want to marry because he is rich and attractive.

Can a divorced man be called a bachelor?

A divorced male may or may not be regarded as eligible for marriage. But he could be regarded a bachelor if he is ready and able to move into a society in which marriage is a prospect, and he is interested in getting married.

What do you call a man who has been divorced?

Noun. 1. divorced man – a man who is divorced from (or separated from) his wife. grass widower.

Should I date a man who is separated but not divorced?

There are many men and women who have a rule when it comes to dating someone who is separated but not divorced yet: they won't do it. So, don't be so quick to decline a date with someone who isn't divorced yet! You could be jumping to judgment too quickly and passing up someone who you really could have connected with.