What is opposite of rich?

What is opposite of rich?

rich(adjective) Antonyms: needy, poor, lean. rich(adjective)

What’s the definition of warm hearted?

: marked by ready affection, cordiality, generosity, or sympathy. Other Words from warmhearted Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More about warmhearted.

What is the meaning warm?

warm (adjective) Having a temperature slightly higher than usual, but still pleasant; mildly hot. The tea is still warm. This is a very warm room. warm (adjective) Caring and friendly, of relations to another person. warm (adjective) Having a color in the red-orange-yellow part of the visible electromagnetic spectrum.

What is the meaning of warm milk?

: as warm as fresh-drawn milk : lukewarm.

What color is the warmest?

Artists and theorists tend to agree that the warmest color is somewhere in the red-orange-yellow range, and the coolest color is somewhere in the green-blue-purple range. Some will say that blue is the coolest color, and its opposite, orange, is the warmest.

What does a face so warm mean?

The phrase “a face so warm.” This phrase “a face so warm” signifies a look that is full of kindness, comfort and tender. When someone looks at you with a look that symbolizes some level of concern at you or with you, it is said he is having a face so warm.

What does stay warm mean?

If you tell someone “Stay warm”, you mean for them to be in a warm environment, be well dressed, or to simply enjoy the warmth of the occasion, that is, just feel good, especially in a cold climate or in winter.

What does keep it warm mean?

keep something warm for someone hold or occupy a place or post until another person is ready to do so.

How do you say stay warm?

You can say “stay warm” but not * “stay yourself warm” or * “stay the baby warm.” But you can say “keep warm” and “keep yourself warm” or “keep the baby warm”—those are fine. “Stay warm” thus conveys a continued state, whereas “keep” conveys a continued, intentional action that can be reflexive and/or transitive.

What is the best way to keep warm?

How to Keep Warm in Winter

  1. Dress in Layers. Bundle up.
  2. Keep Your Feet Warm. I highly recommend “house slippers” indoors.
  3. Heat Up Your Bed. Don’t turn up the heat for the entire house.
  4. Harness the Sun.
  5. Keep the Kitchen Cozy.
  6. Block Drafts.
  7. Stay Active.
  8. Humidify Your Home.

What is an idiom for snow?

Snowed under When you have so much work that you don’t even know where to start, you are snowed under. Imagine your work is like snow, and you have so much surrounding you that you can’t even move! You can use this idiom to talk about work, school or anything else.

What is heavy snowfall called?

Types of snowfall A snowstorm features large amounts of snowfall. A snow flurry is snow that falls for short durations and with varying intensity; flurries usually produce little accumulation. A snow squall is a brief, but intense snowfall that greatly reduces visibility and which is often accompanied by strong winds.

What does break the ice mean?

To remove the tension at a first meeting, at the opening of a party, etc.: “That joke really broke the ice at the conference; we all relaxed afterward.”

What does cold comfort mean?

quite limited sympathy, consolation

How do you say very cold?

10 Expressions To Complain About Cold Weather

  1. It’s cold (as ice/f*ck/…) This is the typical expression to say you’re feeling cold.
  2. It’s nippy. This means “uncomfortably or unpleasantly cold”.
  3. There’s a nip in the air. This is the same as “biting cold”, meaning “very cold”.
  4. It’s crisp.
  5. It’s brass monkey weather.

What does tip of the iceberg mean?

The idiom ‘tip of the iceberg’ basically means the small part of a much larger situation or problem that remains hidden. When only a part of something that can be easily observed, but not the rest of it, we say that the part is just the tip of the iceberg.

What is the tip of the iceberg effect?

Only a hint or suggestion of a much larger or more complex issue or problem: “The money missing from petty cash was only the tip of the iceberg of financial mismanagement.” This phrase alludes to the fact that the bulk of a floating iceberg is concealed beneath the water, leaving only a small portion, its tip, visible …