What is the word for someone who always has to be right?

What is the word for someone who always has to be right?

There are many words to describe someone who always needs to be right, including indomitable, adamant, unrelenting, insistent, intransigent, obdurate, unshakeable, dictatorial.

What is a person called who always has something wrong with them?

An individual with hypochondriasis is known as a hypochondriac. Hypochondriacs become unduly alarmed about any physical or psychological symptoms they detect, no matter how minor the symptom may be, and are convinced that they have, or are about to be diagnosed with, a serious illness.

What do you call someone who knows a lot about something?

English Language Learners Definition of connoisseur : a person who knows a lot about something (such as art, wine, food, etc.) : an expert in a particular subject.

Who is a wise person?

They Are Trustworthy and Steadfast. A wise person treats others as they want to be treated, because they know it will help them, not hurt them. The wise person is who we always go to when we need solid advice. Wise people are who we turn to and who we trust in times of need.

How can you tell a fake illness?

However, some indications of faking mental illness can include exaggerating any existing symptoms, making up medical or psychological histories, causing self-harm, tampering with medical tests, or malingering.

Is playing pool for money illegal?

Gambling becomes “illegal” when someone keeps some of the money being bet with. Which is why office pools are perfectly legal. BINGO is illegal without a special license, because it is a fundraiser. The money someone wins is not made up of all the bets.

What does pool shark mean?

An expert pool player; a person who makes money by winning at pool, a hustler.

Is hustling a crime?

Hustling is an art form. It’s earning or making something from seemingly nothing by maintaining the mindset of a go-getter. While hustling gets a bad rap from the criminal acts it’s often associated with, it’s not a crime.

Does hustle mean work hard?

The word hustle means that you work hard. It means that you work hard every single day. It means you do the things other people won’t do, and you do them with a sense of joy and purpose because you love it.