Can I get married without anyone knowing?

Can I get married without anyone knowing?

You legally can get married without your parents knowing, as long as you are over the age of consent for the state that you are in. However, this is a way to make your parents mad/disappointed that you did not want them to share the moment of your special day that only happens (hopefully) once in a lifetime.

What happens if your marriage license is not recorded?

In most cases, you are still considered married without registering the license. For example, California law requires the officiant to return the marriage license to the county clerk or recorder within 10 days of the ceremony. If, for some reason, this does not happen, you are still married.

What is it called when you get married without telling anyone?

When you elope, you run away with the person you love. The word elope probably originated with the Middle Dutch word lopen, meaning "run away." Couples who elope typically don't seek anyone's permission before running off to get married, not even their parents.

Can you get married without the Church?

So even if you plan to have a non-religious ceremony and wedding as a whole, you may still be able to get married in that amazing church you've been eyeing. If you're getting married outside of a church, temple, mosque, etc., your officiant is what makes the wedding religious.