Does the US recognize marriages in Mexico?

Does the US recognize marriages in Mexico?

In Mexico, only civil marriage is recognized as legal. A civil wedding in Mexico is fully valid for legal purposes in the U.S., but a religious ceremony without the civil ceremony is not, as U.S. law only recognizes marriages which are valid in the country in which they take place.

Can two foreigners get married in Mexico?

You don't have to be a resident of Mexico to get married there. Two foreigners can get married in country with a passport, tourist visa and minimum amount of paperwork. You'll request a permit from Mexico's Interior Ministry for the state where you plan to marry.

What happens if I marry someone in Mexico?

Obtaining Documentation of a Valid Marriage in Mexico You will have to obtain a certificate of your marriage. The U.S. government keeps track of what documents are considered legally valid from each country, and will reject your marriage certificate if it doesn't come from the proper source.

Are overseas marriages recognized in the US?

Marriages performed overseas are considered valid in the country where they take place if they are entered into in accordance with local law. Recognition of the validity of marriages performed abroad depends on the laws of the place in which the marriage is to be recognized.