How does divorce affect a child?

How does divorce affect a child?

Divorce frequently contributes to depression, anxiety or substance abuse in one or both parents and may bring about difficulties in balancing work and child rearing. These problems can impair a parent's ability to offer children stability and love when they are most in need.

At what age does divorce affect a child?

According to Terry, who was 3 when her parents separated, ''The worst age for divorce is between 6 and 10; the best is between 1 and 2. '' The younger children do not feel responsible for their parents' divorce and are consciously aware of the advantage of being younger when it happened, Dr. Wallerstein said.

Does divorce have long term effects on children?

The following are some of the most commonly seen long-term effects of divorce on children: Increased chance of sexual promiscuity and drug use: Teens who are children of divorce are more likely to engage in sexual intercourse and participate in drug or alcohol use than those with intact families.