How long does it take to get divorced in Mexico?

How long does it take to get divorced in Mexico?

3-6 monthsThese uncontested divorces generally take 3-6 months. I found through an experience of my own, getting married outside of Mexico was a much simpler affair.

Is divorce allowed in Mexico?

In 1970, in accordance with a Mexican federal law recommendation, many courts stopped accepting divorce petitions from non-residents. Accordingly, petitioners must be selective in their choice of court. With the advent of no-fault divorce in the United States, Mexican divorces are not as popular as they once were.

How do I get divorced if I got married in Mexico?

Yes, you can get divorced in the US and would have to do it in the state where you are residing. Just contact a family law attorney in your city/state. Many of them provide initial free consultations. You will lose your H-4 status once you are no longer married.