Is a foreign marriage recognized in the US?

Is a foreign marriage recognized in the US?

In general, marriages which are legally performed and valid abroad are also legally valid in the United States. Inquiries regarding the validity of a marriage abroad should be directed to the attorney general of the state where you live. American diplomatic and consular officers are NOT permitted to perform marriages.

Does Japan recognize foreign marriages?

While the most common form of international marriage in Japan is still that between a Japanese woman and a foreign man, an increasing number of Japanese men are also opting to marry women from abroad, according to official statistics. To sum it up: it's still not legal in Japan.

What is a Certificate of Witness to Marriage Abroad?

A Certificate of witness to marriage is a document that is issued by an American embassy or consulate. The document states the facts of a marriage abroad in which at least one party is an American Citizen. A consular officer should have attended the ceremony.