What affect does divorce have on children?

What affect does divorce have on children?

Children from divorced families may experience more externalizing problems, such as conduct disorders, delinquency, and impulsive behavior than kids from two-parent families. 7 In addition to increased behavior problems, children may also experience more conflict with peers after a divorce.

How does divorce affect children long term?

The following are some of the most commonly seen long-term effects of divorce on children: Increased chance of sexual promiscuity and drug use: Teens who are children of divorce are more likely to engage in sexual intercourse and participate in drug or alcohol use than those with intact families.

What does divorce with children mean?

In other words, both parents will have more or less continuing contact with the children. Sole Legal Custody: Sole legal custody means one parent shall have the right and responsibility to make decisions about the health, education and welfare of the children.