What can I expect at my divorce hearing?

What can I expect at my divorce hearing?

The final divorce hearing is a meeting between you, your spouse, your respective lawyers, and potentially a family court judge. You'll typically be asked basic questions about your marriage, divorce, and any agreements you and your spouse have made about division of property, child custody and support.

Do I have to show up to court for divorce?

Failure to appear means you have skipped a scheduled court date without notifying the court. You can be charged with contempt of court, and the judge can issue a bench warrant for your arrest. While such measures don't usually happen in a divorce case, you still should always show up in court if required to do so.

Do both parties have to appear in court for divorce in Florida?

Spouses are responsible, however, for filing all necessary documents correctly, and both parties are required to appear before a judge together when the final dissolution is granted.