What happens if my citizenship is denied?

What happens if my citizenship is denied?

Once USCIS issues you a citizenship application denial, you can then request a hearing with a different immigration officer. This new immigration officer will then conduct a review of your application. After that, you may be subjected to an additional civics test and English Ability exam.

Is it illegal to marry someone just for citizenship?

Most marriages between residents and non-residents are undertaken properly, for reasons other than or in addition to residency status. That said, the practice of obtaining residency through marriage is illegal in the United States if the marriage itself is fraudulent.

How long after being married to a US citizen can I apply for citizenship?

three yearsAs a permanent resident who is married to a U.S. citizen, you are eligible for naturalization after just three years. This is a significant benefit (as it normally requires five years as a permanent resident before applying for citizenship).

Can I marry a US citizen if I overstay my visa?

You may overstayed your visa, married a U.S. citizen, but still be ineligible. It is very important to consult with an experienced immigration lawyer before filing for a green card.