What happens if you marry a family member?

What happens if you marry a family member?

Marrying within a family can lead to abnormalities in your future offspring. Now when you marry someone within your family, this gene pool will further become dense with recessive genes, due to both your genes getting added to the pool, making the possibility of your children having genetic abnormalities very high.

Is it illegal to marry family?

According to the NCSL, cousin marriage is legal in: Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina (in North Carolina, first-cousin marriage is legal, but double-cousin marriage is prohibited),

What is it called when you marry someone in your family?

The most commonly used word would be incest, although technically, incest refers to sex between (close) relatives. However, since a marriage is usually supposed to be consummated (meaning the partners in the marriage do have sex), the word is also applied to marriage.