What happens if you refuse being served?

What happens if you refuse being served?

What if the person being served refuses to accept the papers? In most cases, a defendant or target does not have to formally accept service in order for it to be considered effective. If the defendant comes to the door but refuses the papers, the process server may just have to leave them at their feet and walk away.

Can you hide from being served?

If you are avoiding a process server, a judge may allow the papers to be left at your home or business with any competent person over the age of 18. A judge may also allow the summons to be mailed to your home or business address via certified mail. As such, you have nothing to gain by avoiding being served.

How long will a process server try to serve?

three attemptsGenerally, process servers make at least three attempts to serve somebody. These attempts are normally made at different times of day and on different days to maximize our chance of serving the papers. We say “generally” because some jurisdictions prefer more than three.