What happens to a joint checking account when one owner dies?

What happens to a joint checking account when one owner dies?

The vast majority of banks set up all of their joint accounts as “Joint with Rights of Survivorship” (JWROS). This type of account ownership generally states that upon the death of either of the owners, the assets will automatically transfer to the surviving owner.

Can you transfer money from a joint account to a single account?

Login to your joint account online or visit your bank branch. You may transfer funds from a joint account to a single account in this manner when both accounts are with the same bank. Otherwise, you may write a check from your joint account to deposit to a single account at another bank.

Can you take your name off of a joint checking account?

The only way you can take a joint account holder's name off the account without permission is if your original contract with the bank specifically allows this—but most contracts don't and yours probably doesn't. Go back to the bank and politely ask to close the joint account.