What is it called when a woman has more than one husband?

What is it called when a woman has more than one husband?

Polyandry, marriage of a woman to two or more men at the same time; the term derives from the Greek polys, “many,” and anēr, andros, “man.” When the husbands in a polyandrous marriage are brothers or are said to be brothers, the institution is called adelphic, or fraternal, polyandry.

Can you be married to multiple people at once?

United States. Polygamy is the act or condition of a person marrying another person while still being lawfully married to another spouse. It is illegal in the United States.

Can a woman have two husbands in India?

Polyandry in India refers to the practice of polyandry, whereby a woman has two or more husbands at the same time, either historically on the Indian subcontinent or currently in the country of India.

Where can a woman marry more than one man?

Associated Polyandry Another form of polyandry is a combination of polyandry and polygyny, as women are married to several men simultaneously and the same men are married to several women. It is found in some tribes of native Americans as well as villages in northern Nigeria and the northern cameroons.