Why do I get blamed for everything in my relationship?

Why do I get blamed for everything in my relationship?

"It's human nature for someone to blame their partner when they aren't happy, and sometimes a partner may be depressed or too close to the situation to realize that it's not you that's the real issue," Susan Trombetti, relationship coach and matchmaker, tells Bustle.

What rights do I have if I split up with my partner?

Property rights of cohabiting couples If a cohabiting couple splits up, they do not have the same legal rights to property as a married couple. Both partners may be beneficiaries in a trust – even when nothing has been written down, and the other partner is not on the title deeds of the property.

Do live in girlfriends have any rights?

California, unlike a few other states like Oklahoma and Iowa, does not recognize common law marriage. This means that a cohabiting couple, no matter how long they have lived together or which assets they share, never has the same legal rights as a married couple – with one exception.