Why is it taking so long to get a court date?

Why is it taking so long to get a court date?

Most courts set trial dates many months ahead of time. Thus, a case which is set to go to trial in seven to eight months may get continued for an additional seven to eight months if the court's docket has more than one case ready to be tried on that date. The more complicated cases take longer to prepare for trial.

How long does it take to get a trial date?

Both the United States and California Constitutions protect your right to a speedy trial. If you are being held in custody on a misdemeanor charge, you are entitled to a trial date no later than 30 days following the date you were arraigned or entered a plea, whichever is later.

How long does it take to get a DUI court date?

The DMV hearing is typically scheduled about four to six weeks after the request, and the person is usually either cited in or bailed out for about three or four weeks after the arrest. On a misdemeanor DUI in California, the person charged with a DUI will not have to appear in court.

What can I expect on my first court date?

The initial court appearance is usually pretty brief (1-10 minutes). The main actions that occur at the initial appearance are: The judge will provide the defendant with a copy of the criminal complaint. The complaint will list the charge or charges and the maximum possible penalty upon conviction.