What is a parenting coordinator in Florida?

What is a parenting coordinator in Florida?

\u2014A parenting coordinator is an impartial third person whose role is to assist the parents in successfully creating or implementing a parenting plan. Unless there is a written agreement between the parties, the court may appoint only a qualified parenting coordinator.

What does a parenting coordinator do?

Parenting coordinators are specially trained professionals whose work focuses on helping co-parents manage their parenting plan, improve communication, and resolve disputes. A parenting coordinator’s role will vary based on what it is that the family needs and what the court stipulates.

Who is the custodial parent in Florida?

Even when parents share parenting time and parental responsibilities one parent will be designated the \u201cprimary parent\u201d or \u201ccustodial parent\u201d and the other parent is the \u201csecondary parent\u201d or \u201cnoncustodial parent.\u201d The custodial parent in Florida is usually the parent who has more parenting time with the child.