Where can I get a copy of my divorce papers in NY?

Where can I get a copy of my divorce papers in NY?

To get a copy of a divorce decree, contact the County Clerk. If the divorce was granted before Janu, the divorce decree is the only type of document available. Divorce Certificate. This document contains basic information about the spouses, and the date and place the marriage ended.

How do I check the status of my divorce in NY?

How to use E-Courts to find out if a Divorce Judgment has been signed: Open up ECOURTS – “WebCivil Supreme” in a web browser. WebCivil Supreme is the New York Court system’s online appearance information system for New York Supreme Court cases. Log in as a public user.

How long does it take to get divorce in New York?

Some uncontested divorces are resolved as quickly as six weeks, while others can take six months or more. Since New York doesn’t have a waiting period, a divorce that both parties agree on takes roughly 3 months.

How can I get a quick divorce in NY?

You are eligible for an “Express 60-Day Divorce” if the following requirements are met:You or your spouse meet the NYS residency requirements.You know where your spouse is located.Your spouse is cooperating with the process.You and your spouse are in agreement regarding the division of any property, assets or debt.Weitere Einträge…