Do I have to pay alimony if my wife makes more money?

Do I have to pay alimony if my wife makes more money?

If her salary is much larger than mine, can I get alimony from her then? Answer: Spousal support and APL are generally only awarded when there is one spouse who clearly is the higher income earner of the family. Also, if you have children, APL and spousal support may not be awarded, dependent upon your state laws.

Does husband pay child support if wife makes more money?

If she is the primary custodian, you will owe child support to her. If you two have shared custody, or equal custodial time, then, in this state, the higher wage earner will still have an obligation to pay child support to the lower wage earner, however it will be a reduced figure due to his or her shared custody time.

What happens if wife earns more than husband?

And, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, that does make some couples uncomfortable. When a wife makes more than her husband, the income the couple reports for the wife is 1.5 percentage points lower on average than her actual income, but 2.9 percentage points higher for her husband.

What happens if I can’t afford alimony?

If you stop making alimony payments (regardless of the reason), you could face civil or criminal charges for contempt of court. Contempt of court means that you violated a court order during your divorce proceedings. The court might give you extra time to pay or establish a new payment plan.

Is spousal support considered income?

Spousal support In California: If you receive alimony payments, you must report it as income on your California return. If you pay alimony to a former spouse/RDP, you’re allowed to deduct it from your income on your California return.

Is alimony considered income in 2019?

Beginning Jan. 1, 2019, alimony or separate maintenance payments are not deductible from the income of the payer spouse, or includable in the income of the receiving spouse, if made under a divorce or separation agreement executed after Dec. 31, 2018.

Can I drop my spouse from my health insurance if we are separated?

You can only remove your ex-spouse from your health insurance policy after the divorce has been finalized and the case is closed. The law states that you must remove your ex-spouse, since it is against the law to have anyone other than your dependent children and spouse on your insurance policy.

How long can I keep my ex wife on my insurance?

36 months