How long after final hearing is a divorce final in Florida?

How long after final hearing is a divorce final in Florida?

A divorce action with no complex issues and mutual agreement between the parties may be finalized in six to eight weeks. A complex case can be litigated for six to twelve months, sometimes longer. Once the parties have reached a final agreement, the last step to getting divorced is the uncontested final hearing.

What is the final step of a divorce?

The judgment of divorce (or order of dissolution) ends the marriage and spells out the specifics about how the couple will allocate custodial responsibility and parenting time, child and spousal support, and how the couple will divide assets and debts.

Is alimony paid forever?

In fact, depending on circumstance it might only last a few years. In other cases, it can last for decades; but often the amount paid can be reduced significantly. There are two important points here: 1) The paying spouse does not have to pay spousal support indefinitely.

At what age do you stop paying alimony?

There are many settlement options open to the alimony-paying party who wants to limit the term of alimony. For example, the parties’ agreement may specify that alimony terminates upon the retirement of the payor, provided that certain specifications are met, such as after age 65.

Do you have to pay spousal support forever?

How Long Must One Pay Alimony (Spousal Support) For longer-term relationships, as well as in cases where the parties’ have children, the courts generally do not place a time limit on alimony. This does not mean you’ll need to pay spousal support forever or that you’ll receive spousal support forever.

Is spousal support and alimony the same?

“Spousal support” is the money that one spouse may have to pay to the other spouse for their financial support following a separation or divorce. It is sometimes called “alimony” or “maintenance.” Spousal support is usually paid on a monthly basis, but it can be paid as a lump sum.

What happens to spousal support when I retire?

If there is no end date or review date in your separation agreement or court order, spousal support is considered indefinite. Where that is the case, it is open to you and your former spouse to negotiate the issue of ending spousal support on your retirement.