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Is Law Help Interactive legit?

This Web Site is intended for use by low-income individuals and their not-for-profit advocates to obtain legal information. Do not use this Web site to help someone else with their legal problems. In many places this is illegal if you’re not a lawyer. Do not use this Web site to break the law.

How does child support work if custodial parent is unemployed?

Nonetheless, unemployment does not exempt you from paying child support. In fact, child support orders remain in effect even when a parent loses their job. This means that they continue to pay child support as if they were employed. In some situations, however, the obligation may be calculated on the actual income.

How does child support work if custodial parent makes more money?

Even when children split their time equally between both parents, for example, spend one week with their mother and the next with their father, the court will still order one parent, usually the parent who earns more money, to pay child support to the other parent.

Can my husband’s ex wife go after my money?

If your ex-spouse remarries, the new spouse is not responsible for providing for your children financially, in most cases. In certain situations, however, the new spouse’s income may become part of community property shared with your ex-spouse and be considered in the child support calculation.