How do I leave my husband as a stay at home mom?

How do I leave my husband as a stay at home mom?

4 Steps to Leaving Your Marriage When You’re Financially DependentFind good sources of emotional support. Move closer to your family even if you don’t want to. Research different ways to get financial support. Gather evidence of your husband’s financial and other affairs.

Why are narcissists so seductive?

Narcissists may also be appealing, at least in the short term, because they are so “socially bold.” They exude that air of self-confidence and assurance which others find so attractive. People who are convinced of their own greatness often, at least at first, convince us.

Which personality type is most narcissistic?

INTJs are often seen as narcissistic and they themselves tend to see themselves in high standings, but its mostly because of their rarity in society and them being highly focused and self-oriented individuals. (Stephen Hawking,Nicola Tesla,etc.) INTP-Akin to ENTPs, and yet nothing alike from a social standing.

What personality type thinks they are always right?

ESTJs have a tendency to think they are always right and that their moral compass is objective, absolute and universal.