How long do I have to pay child support in Illinois?

How long do I have to pay child support in Illinois?

18 years

What happens when my child turns 18 with child support?

An important difference in child support for children over 18 years of age is that the child support tables no longer presumptively apply (although most judges use the tables as a starting point) and other arrangements can be made for their support to suit their particular circumstances.

Do I still pay child support if my child starts working?

Just because a Child starts working does not mean a parent is able to cease paying Child Support.

Can a dad just sign over his rights?

A parent cannot just sign over his rights to avoid child support. Even if he chooses not to pursue rights regarding parenting time or decision-making, he will still have the obligation to support his child and you can work with the state to get the support established.

Can you terminate parental rights and still pay child support?

If your parental rights are terminated, and you owe child support that was ordered before your rights were terminated, you are still required to pay the amount owed. Note that the court, if requested to do so, may only order a termination of parental rights if someone else is prepared to adopt the child.