What happens if you miss jury duty Illinois?

What happens if you miss jury duty Illinois?

What happens if I don’t show up for jury service? Failure to appear for jury service when summoned is a serious matter. You may be held in contempt of court which could result in a fine or other court imposed penalty. It is in your best interest to appear if you are summoned to avoid any further action.

Is there a difference between jury duty and Grand Jury Duty?

Although grand juries and trial juries are both made up of average people who were called for jury duty, they serve entirely different purposes. A grand jury helps determine whether charges should be brought against a suspect, while a trial jury renders a verdict at the criminal trial itself.

How do you get out of grand jury duty in Illinois?

Answer. You can ask to be excused for “undue hardship.” It will be up to your local county board, jury commission, or jury administrator, sometimes with the prior authorization of the chief judge of the relevant judicial circuit, to decide if your excuse is good. Just wanting to “get out” of jury duty won’t work.