When can you stop paying spousal maintenance?

When can you stop paying spousal maintenance?

A spousal maintenance order will cease once the predetermined period of the order has come to an end. However, it is important to note that while the order is still in effect, either party can apply to discharge the order if there is a just cause for doing so, or can apply to vary the order.12‏/07‏/2017

What happens if I dont pay spousal support?

Unfortunately, until a spousal support order is modified in court, the payor, or paying spouse, will have to keep making payments. Not paying your spousal support may result in the court charging you with Contempt of Court, which is a serious charge that can result in jail time.05‏/05‏/2015

Is spousal support negotiable?

“Spousal Support has room to be negotiable.” This does not mean that there is not a time and a place to take a belligerent spouse to court over Spousal Support, but it does mean that there is an awful lot of room to be creative when you are still able to negotiate.