Can divorced couple live in same house?

Can divorced couple live in same house?

Traditionally, when a couple decides to end their marriage, one of the first steps is for one or both spouses to find a new place to live. However, there are reasons why a couple may continue to live under the same roof even after deciding to divorce. In most states, divorcing couples are allowed to live together.

Can a married couple separate and still live together?

You’re separated when you stop living together as a couple. Separation occurs when at least one person in the relationship makes the decision to separate, acts on that decision and tells the other person. Your partner doesn’t have to agree. You can be separated and still be living in the same home.

Can husband and wife stay together after divorce?

If you are divorced, your marriage is completely dissolved, so you are legally considered a single person. In fact, you may no longer be connected to your former spouse in any way. Therefore, once the divorce is finalized, the decision to continue living together will boil down to finances and children.