How can I find out if my ex is working?

How can I find out if my ex is working?

Call the local domestic relations office, if you have a child custody and support arrangement. Domestic relations should have his last record of employment and can let you know if he is still at the listed job. Call his family or friends, if you have a positive relationship with them.

How can I prove my ex is lying about his income?

If your ex has lied about his or her income or financial assets, speak with your attorney immediately about your concerns. Your attorney has several legal avenues available for uncovering the truth. These may include subpoenas for your ex’s pay stubs, bank statements, credit card statements, or tax returns.

Does my ex have to pay child support if he is unemployed?

You are still obligated to pay child support when unemployed. If you skip payments, you will still have to pay them eventually, sometimes with interest. Or you may be found in contempt of your child support order, which could mean fines or even jail time.

Does child support come out of unemployment in Indiana?

Yes. If you owe child support, this money can be deducted from your weekly benefits. Federal law requires state child support agencies to enforce the payment of child support in Title IV-D cases through withholding from unemployment benefits.

How long will unemployment last in Indiana?

26 weeks