Can a 17 year old refuses to see a parent?

Can a 17 year old refuses to see a parent?

Brette’s Answer: No court is going to force a 17 year old to go on visitation if he doesn’t want to. A child so close to majority usually has his preference followed. You’re doing the right thing in encouraging him to go, but it’s up to him.

Can a 13 year old decide who they want to live with?

A judge may ask a child who is old enough (typically 12 to 14) which parent he or she prefers to live with the majority of the time. A judge will typically do this outside of the courtroom, to keep the child out of the case as much as possible. A judge will use a third-party evaluator to ascertain the child’s wishes.

Can a 15 year old decide where they want to live?

How old does a child have to be to decide where and with which parent they want to live? As the child gets older, his or her wishes carry more weight. By 15 or 16 if the child is of general maturity and has logical reasons for changing the custody, the court will often abide by the child’s wishes.

How old does a child have to be to say who they want to live with?

This means that in Family Court proceedings, it is possible for the Court to order that children as old as 14 and 16 be required to live with one parent (e.g. their Mother) even if the children have clearly expressed the view that they wish to live with the other parent (e.g. their Father).

Can a 9 year old decide which parent to live with?

In making a child custody determination, 12 is the minimum age at which the child may express a preference to the court regarding the parent with whom that child prefers to reside. Furthermore, the child must express a reasonable preference.