Can you divorce with one lawyer?

Can you divorce with one lawyer?

Even if your divorce is uncontested, meaning you and your spouse agree on all the important terms and conditions, you are still both technically on opposing sides of the courtroom. Any attorney that represents one of you will not be permitted to also represent the other because this would create a conflict of interest.

Can you divorce and live in the same house?

If you are both living at the same address at the date of your divorce hearing or intend to keep living in the same home, the court might not grant your divorce application. The court cannot grant a Divorce Order if there is a reasonable likelihood that your relationship will resume.

How long do you have to live apart to get a divorce?

12 months

Can husband and wife stay together after divorce?

If you are divorced, your marriage is completely dissolved, so you are legally considered a single person. In fact, you may no longer be connected to your former spouse in any way. Therefore, once the divorce is finalized, the decision to continue living together will boil down to finances and children.

What is soft landing parenting?

Soft Landings Definition: Another co-parenting arrangement wherein a divorced couple lives a few blocks apart, or on different floors of the same apartment building. They spend weekends and downtime as a family unit, vacationing together and keeping holiday traditions and other rituals status quo for the kids.