Does infidelity matter in a divorce settlement?

Does infidelity matter in a divorce settlement?

If you’re unhappy in your marriage, then that is grounds enough for divorce. You don’t need to prove your spouse’s infidelity to end the marriage. With the advent of no-fault divorce, adultery no longer has a major impact on the outcome of your divorce.

What is the burden of proof to obtain a divorce on the ground of adultery?

In some states, adultery is considered a fault ground for divorce. To prove adultery, the complainant must show both disposition and opportunity. The burden of proof is on the complainant to prove adultery. Mere accusations will not be sufficient to obtain a divorce on the grounds of adultery.

How does adultery affect divorce in Florida?

As Florida is a no-fault divorce state, neither spouse is legally required to prove that their partner did anything wrong to be eligible to separate. In that sense, adultery has no impact on your actual ability to get divorced. However, this does not mean that adultery is completely irrelevant to your divorce case.

What are my rights in a divorce in Florida?

Florida is a no-fault state when it comes to divorce. This means that you don’t have to give any reason to the court for why you want to end your marriage, other than that you want it to be over. The court divides all marital property in a way that it deems fair.

What happens when spouse won’t sign divorce papers?

Your spouse does not have to sign anything. Even if your spouse refuses to sign any documents, the court can grant a divorce order. But you must prove your spouse was served according to the rules.