How do I prove adultery for divorce in India?

How do I prove adultery for divorce in India?

(g) Testimony of disinterested witnesses to the effect that they had seen the respondent sleeping together with another person in nights is sufficient to prove adultery. (h) A solitary instance of voluntary sexual intercourse by wife with other person is enough.

Can I collect half of my husband’s Social Security at 62?

If you did not work enough in your life to qualify for Social Security benefits on your own, you could get one half of your spouse’s full retirement benefit once you reach full retirement age, and you will qualify for your spouse’s Medicare at age 65. At age 62, you’d get 35% of your spouse’s full benefit.

Can I draw my husband’s Social Security if he is still alive?

Drawing a Spouse’s Social Security Full benefits are paid to wives if they start collecting at full retirement age, which varies according to their year of birth. She is entitled to collect benefits based on her husband’s records even if he is still working as well.

Can I draw my husband’s Social Security when I turn 60?

The earliest a widow or widower can start receiving Social Security survivors benefits based on age will remain at age 60. Widows or widowers benefits based on age can start any time between age 60 and full retirement age as a survivor.

What is the maximum spousal benefit for Social Security?

What Is the Maximum Spousal Social Security Benefit? The maximum spousal benefit is 50% of the amount that the spouse is eligible to receive at full retirement age. 12 That’s a cap, by the way. If your spouse delays retiring until 70, the spouse gets more but you don’t.