Can divorced couple remarry in India?

Can divorced couple remarry in India?

Once the decree of divorce has been handed over, you can remarry as and when you want. There is no specific bar on remarriage after divorce has happened. However, many times estranged spouses appeal to the court that the divorce has been forced upon them since the partner wanted to get married soon.

Do divorced couples ever remarry each other?

Despite these high-profile cases, the phenomenon of couples divorcing and remarrying is so rare that data does not exist on its prevalence. “When you talk about divorces, some people don’t even want to talk to each other afterwards!” says Dr Nancy Kalish of California State University.

Is it normal to miss your spouse after divorce?

You may find you have mixed emotions about your ex, and while you may know that the divorce was for the best, you might find that some days you hate your ex and, surprisingly, other days you miss them. Don’t worry, that whirlwind of emotions is totally normal.